Monday, July 11, 2011

DPRK takes the “dis” out of Disarmament - I Think Therefore IR

From my note on North Korea's chairmanship of the Conference on Disarmament, I expanded the comment on another blog. I Think Therefore IR is an effort from mostly University of Exeter graduate students to bring discussions related to IR in general and IR theory to a general audience.

DPRK takes the “dis” out of Disarmament

The United Nations’ members are trusting its Conference on Disarmament to the North Koreans. If that does not sound strange enough to you, allow me to remind you that since their first missile test in 2006, the country is under UN Security Council sanctions based on S/RES/1718. A sanctions regime that was reinforced and augment in S/RES/1874, that established a Panel of Experts as a response to actual nuclear test. So what was announced on June 28th, 2011 through a press release is that a country that is currently under Security Council sanctions for weapons proliferation violations will be chairing a United Nations organ whose mission is to stop the proliferation of weapons. This action undermines the credibility of the Conference on Disarmament and of the UN system as whole. It shows that the very organization that established the sanctions regime does not take it into consideration when voting for leadership roles.

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